Why did you decide to do Dr Clare’s Course in Herbal Medicine?


"I decided to do this course because I wanted a greater knowledge of herbs how they work and how they benefit us."


"I have wanted to do this course since it first came out, mainly because I wanted to learn more about herbal medicine and its uses and to be prepared to use this knowledge in Dr Clare's shop either as a volunteer or an employee."  


"I absolutely love herbs and welcomed the opportunity to learn more about how to use them for both myself and others."


"I am extremely interested In herbs, & the health store I work in Stocks Dr Dilis Products so I jumped at the opportunity to study with the academy!"


"To have a better understanding of the basics of herbs."


"I've always used herbal remedies for my own health, and for friends/family who has minor health problems and I wanted a more solid foundation of knowledge alongside my own knowledge from personal experience."


 "I am interested to know more about the herbs and have the knowledge for what they are for."


"As I work in a health food store it is nice to have as much information as possible. More information is coming to light on herbs every year, and the last time I did a herbal course was about 15 years ago."


"I have a keen interest in herbal medicines for my own personal use and my family's. I like to try the natural alternative to OTC medicines if at all possible."


"When I could not get the help and guidance from the doctor that my children needed...I started looking at other ways I could assist my kids and was lucky to find Dr Clare and her team. I believe in the old saying...knowledge is power. In doing this course...I feel it gives me more knowledge, more strength to make more informed decisions on matters which play a part in our overall health. It puts the power back into my hands."




What did you think of the course and out of five how many stars would you give?




"5 STARS. I think this course is very informative and at times challenging overall a very good and helpful course."


"5 STARS. Quite comprehensive gives a detailed account of Dr. Clare's blends and how to use them. Also discusses herbs in general and includes accompanying material which is relevant to the field of natural medicine."


"5 STARS. Brilliant. Really informative and well put together. The only thing I would add; would be a video to show you how to make a tincture from herbs."


"5 STARS. Fantastic course! thoroughly enjoyed it. Have expanded my knowledge greatly. Is there a follow on course available?"


"5 STARS. I am enjoying the course. I thought it would be more on herb basics but appears to be more focused on products Dr. Clare sells."


"5 STARS. I'm sad that I have just completed it! Very comprehensive but not overwhelming to someone who hasn't studied for a while. Dr Clare has a lovely light way of teaching that felt very informal and non-intimidating. Would love to do more courses at progressing levels in the future! (Plus online study very useful for those of us who live remotely.) smile Thank you!"


"5 STARS. The course is nice and handy to do, the videos are easy to follow, she speaks in a nice tone and clarity. It is a helpful course. 


"4 STARS. So far the course is very interesting, and I am looking forward to unit 2. However, I do think that the technical anatomy vocabulary in some of the side lectures needs to be simplified, as not everyone has done an anatomy course."


"5 STARS. The course was so very comprehensive and very interesting. I got a broader and more expanded knowledge of herbal actions throughout the course. I liked the personal touch through the lectures by Dr. Clare and how she made the content easy to understand and memorable through humour and little anecdotes. It was a very informative and pleasant course. I'm very happy to have participated in it."


"I decided to do this course because i wanted a greater knowledge of herbs how they work and how they benefit us. I think this course is very informative and at times challenging overall a very good and helpful course."


"I am extremely interested In herbs , & the health store I work in Stocks Dr Dilis Products so I jumped at the opportunity to study with the academy! Fantastic course! thoroughly enjoyed it . Have expanded my knowledge greatly. Is there a follow on course available?"


"I've always used herbal remedies for my own health, and for friends/family who have minor health problems and I wanted a more solid foundation of knowledge alongside my own knowledge from personal experience. I'm sad that I have just completed it! Very comprehensive but not overwhelming to someone who hasn't studied for awhile. Dr Clare has a lovely light way of teaching that felt very informal and non-intimidating. Would love to do more courses at progressing levels in the future! (Plus online study very useful for those of us who live remotely.) smile Thank you!"


“I am currently studying Nutrition & Health Coaching with IINH in Bray and love the idea of helping future clients with alternatives and simple ideas. I found you very inspiring and have recommended your clinic and talks to other students in my year. I hope to see you again mid summer for your garden walk - in fact I cannot wait!”




— S. King re Dr Clare's Public Talk on Herbal Remedies for Everyday Health
“As this was my first session in clinical training I didn’t know what to expect but Dr Clare was great at putting me at ease and including me in the consultation where appropriate. While it is essential to attend lectures and read books, the real learning starts when you see the interaction between herbalist and patient. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn under Dr Clare as she has a wealth of experience as well as a wide variety of patients coming to her clinic. I look forward to continuing this learning journey under her guidance”— B. Barry, Student of Herbal Medicine
“I would thoroughly recommend to any student studying Herbal Medicine to spend time with Dr Clare in her Herbal Medicine clinic. She has such a rich medical knowledge and understanding of the human spirit that she is able to get to the heart of her patient’s health problems with laser-like precision, conducted with such genuine care, wit and Irish charm. It was a real privilege spending time with Dr Clare - she is a true ambassador of the Herbal Medicine profession”— H. Shardlow, Student of Herbal Medicine





I am a final year student of Herbal Medicine – BSc (Hons) in Herbal Medicine, University of East London. I recently spent some time on placement with Rd. Dilis Clare, G.P. and Medical Herbalist at Health and Herbs, Sea Road, Galway.I really recommend spending time in placement with Dr. Clare. To say I gained from spending time with a trained professional Herbalist with a wealth of clinic experience is to my mind an underestimation. I consider the placement to be essential and invaluable to my training and formation as a Medical Herbalist.Dr. Clare had many appointments with patients. I sat in on consultations, with the consent of the patients’, while Dr. Clare demonstrated and supervised my performance of clinical skills, such as taking of blood pressure readings and abdominal examination (as indicated in a particular case). Her professionalism and rapport with patients gave me the confidence to ask for any assistance and clarification I needed. I gained a wealth of knowledge with regard to:· Clinical Diagnosis· Patient centred care· Treatment Planning - Herb actions and the basis of treatment with Herbal Medicines to restore health· Formulation of Prescription; having due regard to safety and possible drug interactions and contraindications.I wish to thank Dr. Clare and the wonderful staff at Health and Herbs for permitting me to do a placement there. Health and Herbs is a wonderful resource in Galway; a beautiful well stocked shop with consultation and meeting rooms.I stayed at low cost in comfortable, homely accommodation provided by Dr. Clare in Knocknacarra, which is very close to Galway city centre. I used the 411 bus every day from Seacrest Knocknacarra to get to Health and Herbs, which is in Sea Road Galway. The journey time was 15 to 20 mins and the bus left me very close to the shop and also departed for Knocknacarra from a stop just 3 mins walk away from the shop in the evening.I wish to thank Dr. Clare and the staff of Health and Herbs, Sea Road, Galway for making me so welcome. Placement with Dr. Clare is extremely worthwhile for any student of Herbal Medicine”— B. McCormick, Student of Herbal Medicine




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